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Hospital Corporate Negligence 

In 85% of all litigation involving medical malpractice in licensed healthcare facilities, a separate cause of action; Hospital Corporate Negligence by the healthcare facility is demonstrable.

According to the Institute of Medicine, between 100,000-200,000 patients per year die in hospitals as result of avoidable errors. [1] The common thread in most avoidable errors is systems failure; the failure of the hospital to establish and implement systems to maximize safety and protect patients.

It is the responsibility of the hospital’s governing board and executive leadership to establish and implement a safety net of redundant policies, procedures, and systems. The hospital’s governing board and executive leadership have non-delegable accountability to ensure that all employees and caregivers are trained and competent to carry out their job responsibilities.   

Shorr HealthCare Consulting. provides Strategic Case Review, Discovery Recommendations and Testimony.

Expert testimony is offered based upon federal and state statutes & licensure requirements and Administrative Standards of Care promulgated by The Joint Commission and other recognized agencies.

Mr. Shorr is Board Certified in Hospital & Healthcare Administration, a Life Fellow of the America College of Healthcare Executives and is the author of Hospital Corporate Negligence Legal and Administrative Issues; Westlaw, Thomson Reuters 2009.

[1] To Err Is Human, Institute of Medicine, November 1999